summer is over and i am so glad to know that. i don't like summer in here because it is way too hot during the day and suddenly fall down to 20 degree or below during the night. but this is melbourne. you know this minute could be hot and another minute could be so cold or rainy or windy. autumn is coming yeay.
i just came back from tafe and today i had the first two exams after 6++ months not memorizing anything. it was just too hard yesterday to memorize words. i woke up at around 9 or 10 am i forgot and planning to study during the day but budgeting and guest services thing were completely out of my mind. i didn't touch the book at all until like 7 pm. all i did was watching youtube, opened-closed-opened-closed-opened facebook, eating, etc. and when i looked at the clock i was like, shit i haven't studied at all and i have 2 exams tomorrow. what did i do? so yeah finally i opened the book page by page and ended the study at around 10 or 11 pm to sleep.
i don't know about the result but i did all my best. so let's see.
finger crossedddddd.
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i'll be surprise if you get 90+ mark, but i do hope you pass all your exams
lol yeah i hope so :D
have an update when you get your result. i won't cross my finger, afraid my fingers get twisted
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