All Time Low - Weightless
Turn a page, I'm a book
Half unread
I wanna be laughed at
Laughed with, just because
I wanna feel weightless
And that should be enough
Now I'm stuck in this fucking rut
Waiting on a second hand pick me up
And I'm over, getting older
If I could just find the time
Then I would never let another day go by
I'm over, getting old
Maybe it's not my weekend
But it's gonna be my year
And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere
And this is my reaction
To everything I fear
Cause I've been going crazy I don't want to waste another minute here
Make believe that I impress
That every word
By design
Turns a head
I wanna feel reckless
wanna live it up, just because
I wanna feel weightless
Cause that would be enough
If I could just find the time
Then I would never let another day go by
I'm over, getting old
Maybe it's not my weekend
But it's gonna be my year
And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere
And this is my reaction
To everything I fear
Cause I've been going crazy I don't want to waste another minute here
This could be all I've waited for
(I've Waited, I've waited for)
And this could be everything
I don't wanna dream anymore
Maybe it's not my weekend
But it's gonna be my year
And I've been going crazy
I'm stuck in here
Maybe it's not my weekend
But it's gonna be my year(it's gonna be my year)
And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere(go nowhere)
And this is my reaction
To everything I fear(everything I fear)
Cause I've been going crazy I don't want to waste another minute here
Recent Posts
Saturday, October 31, 2009
a light in the darkness
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hari yang baru, masalah yang baru. gua heran loh kenapa sih kok kayaknya ga berenti2, dateng trusss =.= dan semuanya numplek jadi satu.
gw udah ga gitu mikirin lagi masalah yang paling pertama. masalah yang paling bikin gw kayak orang hun-hun sampe sekarang. tau hun-hun? kalo yang ga tau, itu kayak kleyengan. kleyengan itu apa ya.. hmm kayak elo abis bangun tidur kelamaan trus kepalanya pusing sama berat jadinya ga bisa mikir.
masalah yang tidak kalah ribet dan susahnya adalah dapetin kerja. pokoknya harus dapet 31 shifts lagi sampe paling engga awal bulan februari 2010. kalo engga, gw DEAD. ya bukan arti kata mati yang sebenernya sih, tapi akibatnya bisa fatal.
resume sudah tersebar ke puluhan restoran, aduhhhhh ayo dong ga lucu banget kan kalo semuanya masa ga ada nge-respons. gw butuh, sangat amat butuh kerjaan sekarang2 ini.
demi masa depan!
ya beginilah.. gw sedang dalam keadaan sangat terpuruk (ceileh bahasa gw..) serius.
tapi gw akan tetap mencoba buat struggle sampe semuanya kelar. gua yakin dibalik semua masalah2 ini pasti ada pelajaran2 yg bisa dipetik. wah gw ga nyangka bisa se-wise kayak begini hari ini. nah, mungkin itu salah satu sisi positifnya.
sekali lagi gw ucapkan banyak2 terima kasih buat semuanya yang udah kasih support..
dukungan dan bantuan anda-anda sekalian sangat bearti ;D
gw udah ga gitu mikirin lagi masalah yang paling pertama. masalah yang paling bikin gw kayak orang hun-hun sampe sekarang. tau hun-hun? kalo yang ga tau, itu kayak kleyengan. kleyengan itu apa ya.. hmm kayak elo abis bangun tidur kelamaan trus kepalanya pusing sama berat jadinya ga bisa mikir.
masalah yang tidak kalah ribet dan susahnya adalah dapetin kerja. pokoknya harus dapet 31 shifts lagi sampe paling engga awal bulan februari 2010. kalo engga, gw DEAD. ya bukan arti kata mati yang sebenernya sih, tapi akibatnya bisa fatal.
resume sudah tersebar ke puluhan restoran, aduhhhhh ayo dong ga lucu banget kan kalo semuanya masa ga ada nge-respons. gw butuh, sangat amat butuh kerjaan sekarang2 ini.
demi masa depan!
ya beginilah.. gw sedang dalam keadaan sangat terpuruk (ceileh bahasa gw..) serius.
tapi gw akan tetap mencoba buat struggle sampe semuanya kelar. gua yakin dibalik semua masalah2 ini pasti ada pelajaran2 yg bisa dipetik. wah gw ga nyangka bisa se-wise kayak begini hari ini. nah, mungkin itu salah satu sisi positifnya.
sekali lagi gw ucapkan banyak2 terima kasih buat semuanya yang udah kasih support..
dukungan dan bantuan anda-anda sekalian sangat bearti ;D
Friday, October 30, 2009
10 things.
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Pagi-pagi udah nge-blog. Kemarin tidur hampir jam 3 pagi, hari ini bangun jam 8.30.
Ga tau kenapa beberapa hari belakangan ini, gw merasa kayak bukan diri gw sendiri.
1. Udah ga ada semangat buat melakukan hal apapun.
2. Tiap hari tulis posting yang ga penting melulu, seperti ini.
3. Tidur sukanya pagi-pagi. Padahal, sebelomnya paling ga bisa disuruh tidur pagi karna pasti udah tepar jam 12.
4. Jangankan ketawa, mau senyum aja rasanya susah setengah hidup. Biasanya, cengengesan.
5. Bangun tidur langsung buka laptop, cek email. Padahal biasanya facebook dulu.
6. Dulu kalo dengerin lagu suka yang agak kenceng. Sekarang, volumenya jadi kecil kayak semut lagi bisik-bisik sama temennya.
7. Biasanya suka nyanyi-nyanyi sendiri begitu setel lagu di itunes, sekarang diam 1000 bahasa.
8. Hari ini deadline tugas yang terakhir di semester ini, tapi gw sama sekali ga happy. Padahal biasanya suka tereak-tereak sendiri begitu selesai.
9. Jadi merasa benci dan kesel sama diri sendiri. Padahal biasanya narsis luar biasa.
10. Untuk pertama kalinya dalam 18 tahun hidup di planet bumi gw se-enek, se-benci dan se-marah ini sama orang lain. Rasanya pengen gw jadiin bebek guling, beneran.
Ya, semoga saja hari ini dan seterusnya, masalah-masalah gw bisa mulai menunjukkan titik cerah. Dan semoga saja, hari ini gw bisa kembali seperti yang dulu, ga amburadul kayak begini.
Keep the spirit alive!
Terima kasih buat semuanya yang udah kasih support :)
Ga tau kenapa beberapa hari belakangan ini, gw merasa kayak bukan diri gw sendiri.
1. Udah ga ada semangat buat melakukan hal apapun.
2. Tiap hari tulis posting yang ga penting melulu, seperti ini.
3. Tidur sukanya pagi-pagi. Padahal, sebelomnya paling ga bisa disuruh tidur pagi karna pasti udah tepar jam 12.
4. Jangankan ketawa, mau senyum aja rasanya susah setengah hidup. Biasanya, cengengesan.
5. Bangun tidur langsung buka laptop, cek email. Padahal biasanya facebook dulu.
6. Dulu kalo dengerin lagu suka yang agak kenceng. Sekarang, volumenya jadi kecil kayak semut lagi bisik-bisik sama temennya.
7. Biasanya suka nyanyi-nyanyi sendiri begitu setel lagu di itunes, sekarang diam 1000 bahasa.
8. Hari ini deadline tugas yang terakhir di semester ini, tapi gw sama sekali ga happy. Padahal biasanya suka tereak-tereak sendiri begitu selesai.
9. Jadi merasa benci dan kesel sama diri sendiri. Padahal biasanya narsis luar biasa.
10. Untuk pertama kalinya dalam 18 tahun hidup di planet bumi gw se-enek, se-benci dan se-marah ini sama orang lain. Rasanya pengen gw jadiin bebek guling, beneran.
Ya, semoga saja hari ini dan seterusnya, masalah-masalah gw bisa mulai menunjukkan titik cerah. Dan semoga saja, hari ini gw bisa kembali seperti yang dulu, ga amburadul kayak begini.
Keep the spirit alive!
Terima kasih buat semuanya yang udah kasih support :)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
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Masalah dari kemarin2 dateng ga ada hentinya. Kenapa mereka semuanya datang di saat yang bersamaan? A baru muncul tiba2 B muncul lalu C, D, E dan seterusnya. Bingung harus berbuat apa lagi. Mentok. Bener-bener mentok.
Cape. Cape. Cape. Cape. Cape. Cape menunggu hal2 yang ga pasti kayak begini. Rasanya pengen tereak sekenceng-kencengnya di gurun pasir atau di mana pun yang jauh dari keramaian. Pengen gw keluarin semua unek2 yang ada di kepala.
Kapan ini semua akan berakhir?
Cape. Cape. Cape. Cape. Cape. Cape menunggu hal2 yang ga pasti kayak begini. Rasanya pengen tereak sekenceng-kencengnya di gurun pasir atau di mana pun yang jauh dari keramaian. Pengen gw keluarin semua unek2 yang ada di kepala.
Kapan ini semua akan berakhir?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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i just got a shocking news yesterday, actually hours ago.
not about someone died, not about natural disaster and not about this world, but me.
i can't think clearly after read that news. it felt like being punched by a hammer and suddenly 5 little stars appeared running on circle in my head, made me totally sick.
not much that i could did yesterday beside went to the kitchen and searching for foods.
that made me a little bit better at least, even though my problems are not yet solved.
i already did something, a lot of things perhaps, trying to fix the condition but i don't know if it will helps in the future.
deep down in my heart, i know and i am sure there will be always a way out for each problem that i face.
the only thing that matters is just time.
i will keep waiting until the right time is coming. nothing else i can do.
if you read this posting and wondering what is the problem that i have, well, thanks for caring, but i'm not going to tell you because i am too afraid to type those words.
i need supports to make my spirit keep burning.
wish me all the best so i could write the next posting bringing some good news.
that will be more than enough.
not about someone died, not about natural disaster and not about this world, but me.
i can't think clearly after read that news. it felt like being punched by a hammer and suddenly 5 little stars appeared running on circle in my head, made me totally sick.
not much that i could did yesterday beside went to the kitchen and searching for foods.
that made me a little bit better at least, even though my problems are not yet solved.
i already did something, a lot of things perhaps, trying to fix the condition but i don't know if it will helps in the future.
deep down in my heart, i know and i am sure there will be always a way out for each problem that i face.
the only thing that matters is just time.
i will keep waiting until the right time is coming. nothing else i can do.
if you read this posting and wondering what is the problem that i have, well, thanks for caring, but i'm not going to tell you because i am too afraid to type those words.
i need supports to make my spirit keep burning.
wish me all the best so i could write the next posting bringing some good news.
that will be more than enough.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Falling Star
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so much problems going on
in the middle of happiness
i am trying
trying to control myself
trying to stand by myself
but again, i am failing
i am the falling star
who used to be in the sky
shining so bright
in the middle of darkness
always be your friend at night
the one you can trust
the one you can wish on
no matter what happens
but now, on the ground
i am a mess
a total rubbish.
in the middle of happiness
i am trying
trying to control myself
trying to stand by myself
but again, i am failing
i am the falling star
who used to be in the sky
shining so bright
in the middle of darkness
always be your friend at night
the one you can trust
the one you can wish on
no matter what happens
but now, on the ground
i am a mess
a total rubbish.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
what a nice and tiring day
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i've never imagined i would get these new experiences like what i've got today. ah lebay deh. i had my lunch shift for a Jewish wedding at work. it was quite interesting cos yeah it's new for me and a bit different from our indo style of wedding. the celebration went so smooth from 1 until 5 o'clock. i didn't pay much attention to the ceremony cos i was preparing the tables but i could clearly saw the celebration. there was a band and everytime the singer sang a song, almost all guests got on the floor and danced like crazy. well, it was pretty chaos but that was what it called a party.
i worked pretty long today about 8 hours and it was so so so tiring. we served canapaste for one hour, the other hour for first lunch, the other hour for the second lunch and the other hour for dessert and coffee or tea time. my feet couldn't stop walking. my mouth couldn't stop smiling. my hands couldn't stop serving. but that was okay cos this is the real hospitality industry babyyy ;D i'm enjoying it.
and before i went to my workplace (i changed my mind to come earlier), i was stopping by at federation square cos there was a festival Indonesia. well, i was quite dissapointed cos i didn't see many food stalls there but yeah at least i could bought pempek and es teler. i saw many bule wearing batik and it was so hilarious. i also saw anak2 kecil bule ikutan lomba kerupuk yang digantung pake tali kayak 17an. oh em gee SO FRIKIN CUTE. pengen cubittttttt ;D gregetan.
i worked pretty long today about 8 hours and it was so so so tiring. we served canapaste for one hour, the other hour for first lunch, the other hour for the second lunch and the other hour for dessert and coffee or tea time. my feet couldn't stop walking. my mouth couldn't stop smiling. my hands couldn't stop serving. but that was okay cos this is the real hospitality industry babyyy ;D i'm enjoying it.
and before i went to my workplace (i changed my mind to come earlier), i was stopping by at federation square cos there was a festival Indonesia. well, i was quite dissapointed cos i didn't see many food stalls there but yeah at least i could bought pempek and es teler. i saw many bule wearing batik and it was so hilarious. i also saw anak2 kecil bule ikutan lomba kerupuk yang digantung pake tali kayak 17an. oh em gee SO FRIKIN CUTE. pengen cubittttttt ;D gregetan.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
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dirumah, sendirian, di tengah sore yang masih sangat amat cerah ini. kedua housemate gw pergi, Monsu ikut shourt course bikin kue dan Onee kerja. masih berkutat dengan assignment yang hampir kelar tapi belom selesai-selesai. tapi entah kenapa ditengah-tengah mengerjakan assignment, gw kepikiran ayam originalnya KFC yang ada di indo. semua makanan fast food disini cuma jual chips, burger sama coke. ya mentok2nya chicken nuggets lah. tapi ga ada satu pun yang jual ayam goreng ala indo itu. trus, seketika gw melihat semua barang yang ada di deket gw berubah jadi ayam saking pengennya makan ayam2 itu. tapi mendadak gw juga jadi berpikir "hmm kasian juga ya jadi ayam, hidup buat dimatiin." tapi mau gimana lagi, abisnya daging ayam enak sih. sabar, sabar, sabar. one month to go.
haha entah kenapa gw jadi bersemangat ngomongin soal makanan ketimbang kerjain assignment2 itu *sigh*. hari ini ada festival indonesia di Federation Square sampe besok malem. tapi kayaknya gw baru datengnya besok sekalian abis pulang kerja yang kebetulan deket banget sama tempat acaranya. gila, udah ga sabar gw liat makanan2 indo nya. rasanya pengen gw ambil semua tanpa bayar alias gratis weheeheh *evil laugh*.
dan semakin hari gw makin berasa kalo ternyata makanan indo emang enak, tiada duanya. ayam tulang lunak, mie tektek ala abang2, sate padang pake lontong, ayam pop, gulai ayam, rendang ayam, empal, berbagai jenis ikan yang semuanya enak2, ketupat sayur, lemper, bacang, gorengan abang2, pempek, siomay, batagor dan masih sangat banyak yang lainnya. tapi gw baru tau setelah gw pindah kesini kalo katanya abang2 gorengan campurin plastik ke minyak ya supaya gorengannya tambah garing? well, itu membuat gw il-feel sih dan semangat gw buat makan gorengan jadi berkurang pesat. tapi lihat saja nanti apakah gw akan tetap makan gorengan? yeah i think so ;D
baiklah sepertinya tulisan dengan topik makanan ini harus segera disudahi. waktunya mengerjakan assignment.
haha entah kenapa gw jadi bersemangat ngomongin soal makanan ketimbang kerjain assignment2 itu *sigh*. hari ini ada festival indonesia di Federation Square sampe besok malem. tapi kayaknya gw baru datengnya besok sekalian abis pulang kerja yang kebetulan deket banget sama tempat acaranya. gila, udah ga sabar gw liat makanan2 indo nya. rasanya pengen gw ambil semua tanpa bayar alias gratis weheeheh *evil laugh*.
dan semakin hari gw makin berasa kalo ternyata makanan indo emang enak, tiada duanya. ayam tulang lunak, mie tektek ala abang2, sate padang pake lontong, ayam pop, gulai ayam, rendang ayam, empal, berbagai jenis ikan yang semuanya enak2, ketupat sayur, lemper, bacang, gorengan abang2, pempek, siomay, batagor dan masih sangat banyak yang lainnya. tapi gw baru tau setelah gw pindah kesini kalo katanya abang2 gorengan campurin plastik ke minyak ya supaya gorengannya tambah garing? well, itu membuat gw il-feel sih dan semangat gw buat makan gorengan jadi berkurang pesat. tapi lihat saja nanti apakah gw akan tetap makan gorengan? yeah i think so ;D
baiklah sepertinya tulisan dengan topik makanan ini harus segera disudahi. waktunya mengerjakan assignment.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
*#*&$@#! assignment
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kenapa ya butuh motivasi super duper extra buat ngerjain assignment ketimbang buka facebook? apa kata dunia kalo bikin pr aja males? hari ini hari sabtu yang kebanyakan orang lebih memilih hang out sama temen2 daripada di kamar kerjain assignment. dari kemaren2 emang udah niat mau bikin assignment. tapi kenyataan memang tidak seindah apa yang kita rencanakan. emang bener sih bikin assignment tapi dari tadi cuma kerjain 1 activity doang. oh tidakkkk >.< dari 14 activity yang baru selesai baru 5 sekarang. dari 1 report yang selesai nihil, mulai buka microsoft word aja belom. di submit nya masih lama sih 2 minggu lagi, tapi tetep aja banyak yang harus dikerjakan. apalagi waktu jalannya cepet banget ntar taunya tiba2 udah mau di submit aja. jangan sampe deadline yang sebelomnya keulang lagi, baru kerjain 1 buku yang ada belasan activity plus 1 report sehari sebelom di submit. jangan sampe ya Tuhan. tapi waktu itu karna kesalahan teknis, bukan karna kemalasan. beda masalah kalo yang kemaren.
jam setengah 2an udah mulai buka buku, dengan kondisi laptop dimatikan supaya bisa konsentrasi full ceritanya. buka sampul buku dan baca-baca pertanyaan activity yang blom dijawab. trus gw pilih activity yang pertanyaannya paling singkat dan agak mudah untuk dijawab. itu acticity ke 10, padahal activity yang ke 1 aja blom kejawab. abisnya yang pertama susah sih soalnya, menurut gw. trus lama kelamaan gw merasa kok sepi banget sih kamar gw soalnya kebiasaan gw kalo kerjain pr harus ada lagu buat nemenin. berhubung ipod batrenya udah mau abis jadinya gw memutuskan untuk nyalain laptop. tapi apa mau dikata, justru karna gw buka laptop itulah devil2 mulai mendekati gw. pertama, buka itunes. kedua, charge ipod. itu masih oke lah, lalu... ketiga, connect internet. keempat, buka facebook dan bales wall2. kelima, nyanyi2 sendiri di kamar dan keenam, tulis posting baru di blog seperti apa yang sedang gw lakukan detik ini. tadi udah ada niatan buat buka youtube tapi untung aja berhasil dengan susah payah gw hindari.
mau sampe kapan begini terus? gak bisa. pr itu kan lebih penting daripada buka facebook (teorinya) tapi kenyataanya... sampe sekarang facebook masih tetep dibuka dan assignment gw terlantar. ohhhh kasian sekali.. tapi tenang aja abis posting ini di post, gw akan menutup semua tab2 dan kembali mengerjakan assignment tercinta gw itu (hoek). ok sekian dan terima kasih. semoga dengan bergantinya hari tingkat kemalasan akan mengerjakan assignment berkurang dan tingkat kerajinan bertambah pesat.
jam setengah 2an udah mulai buka buku, dengan kondisi laptop dimatikan supaya bisa konsentrasi full ceritanya. buka sampul buku dan baca-baca pertanyaan activity yang blom dijawab. trus gw pilih activity yang pertanyaannya paling singkat dan agak mudah untuk dijawab. itu acticity ke 10, padahal activity yang ke 1 aja blom kejawab. abisnya yang pertama susah sih soalnya, menurut gw. trus lama kelamaan gw merasa kok sepi banget sih kamar gw soalnya kebiasaan gw kalo kerjain pr harus ada lagu buat nemenin. berhubung ipod batrenya udah mau abis jadinya gw memutuskan untuk nyalain laptop. tapi apa mau dikata, justru karna gw buka laptop itulah devil2 mulai mendekati gw. pertama, buka itunes. kedua, charge ipod. itu masih oke lah, lalu... ketiga, connect internet. keempat, buka facebook dan bales wall2. kelima, nyanyi2 sendiri di kamar dan keenam, tulis posting baru di blog seperti apa yang sedang gw lakukan detik ini. tadi udah ada niatan buat buka youtube tapi untung aja berhasil dengan susah payah gw hindari.
mau sampe kapan begini terus? gak bisa. pr itu kan lebih penting daripada buka facebook (teorinya) tapi kenyataanya... sampe sekarang facebook masih tetep dibuka dan assignment gw terlantar. ohhhh kasian sekali.. tapi tenang aja abis posting ini di post, gw akan menutup semua tab2 dan kembali mengerjakan assignment tercinta gw itu (hoek). ok sekian dan terima kasih. semoga dengan bergantinya hari tingkat kemalasan akan mengerjakan assignment berkurang dan tingkat kerajinan bertambah pesat.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
hilarious night :D
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yow yow yow! i just got home from work, been working at function hall lately. great place, friendly staffs, lovely foods and there's one thing that i like the most (beside the pay rates of course), there are lots of bule! lol. most of the guests are excecutive so they look really neat. all mens are wearing suit oh my gosh so awesome. green or blue eyes, tall, body yahud, hidung mancung, nice smile and still young. some guys are so friendly and like to begin conversation with the staff including me. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. alrite. the girls are wearing suit as well, nice body and beautiful. but i don't really care cause yea you know i'm a girl so definitely looking for men :D that's all i want to tell about my workplace hahaha i know kinda ga penting but yea just want to share. i'll write some postings about it later on if i have interesting stories.
alrighty. new topic.. yesterday, me and my housemates (Monsu and Onee) went to safeway to buy some groceries around 7 pm i think and then because we bought lots of things esp foods so Onee had an idea to buy a shopping trolley at big W for $15. after she bought it, we put all the items inside the bag. so off we to melbourne central station to catch a train back home.
when we arrived at hawthorn station, the trolley was just fine and then when we walked across the road, one of the wheels broke =.=" so we decided to stop and take a look what happened to that wheel. luckily, we were at the end of the road not in the middle. lol. our first reaction was like shocked and tried to fix the wheel but after about 5-10 minutes we struggled, it didn't fit anymore cause it was really broken. so, me and Onee decided to bring that trolley by hands cause Monsu already carried 3 large bags from her patiserrie course.
it usually takes like 10 minutes from station to get home but last night we took around 20-25 mins. first, the trolley was so heavy and second, we can't stop laughing. we walked just like a turtle. finally, we arrived at our lovely flat but our room is on the third floor so we need to go upstairs. oh gooshhhh...
and... when we got upstairs, another disaster came out. when i wanted to put the trolley down on the carpet, i put it too hard i think so the other wheel ripped off and then Onee kicked it so now the trolley has no wheel at all hahahahahahahahahaha we just couldn't stop laughing last night like literally. if you wanna see the most handsome shopping trolley in the world you should come to our flat cause u will be amazed with hiss handsomeness.
album of the week: Ocean Eyes by Owl City ♥ ♥ ♥ listen to it peeps if u like electronic and cool sounds
alrighty. new topic.. yesterday, me and my housemates (Monsu and Onee) went to safeway to buy some groceries around 7 pm i think and then because we bought lots of things esp foods so Onee had an idea to buy a shopping trolley at big W for $15. after she bought it, we put all the items inside the bag. so off we to melbourne central station to catch a train back home.
when we arrived at hawthorn station, the trolley was just fine and then when we walked across the road, one of the wheels broke =.=" so we decided to stop and take a look what happened to that wheel. luckily, we were at the end of the road not in the middle. lol. our first reaction was like shocked and tried to fix the wheel but after about 5-10 minutes we struggled, it didn't fit anymore cause it was really broken. so, me and Onee decided to bring that trolley by hands cause Monsu already carried 3 large bags from her patiserrie course.
it usually takes like 10 minutes from station to get home but last night we took around 20-25 mins. first, the trolley was so heavy and second, we can't stop laughing. we walked just like a turtle. finally, we arrived at our lovely flat but our room is on the third floor so we need to go upstairs. oh gooshhhh...
and... when we got upstairs, another disaster came out. when i wanted to put the trolley down on the carpet, i put it too hard i think so the other wheel ripped off and then Onee kicked it so now the trolley has no wheel at all hahahahahahahahahaha we just couldn't stop laughing last night like literally. if you wanna see the most handsome shopping trolley in the world you should come to our flat cause u will be amazed with hiss handsomeness.
album of the week: Ocean Eyes by Owl City ♥ ♥ ♥ listen to it peeps if u like electronic and cool sounds
Monday, October 12, 2009
ohhhh McFly
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McFly oh McFly. .
left to right: Tom, Dougie, Harry, Danny
dari jaman batu sampe sekarang gw masih tetap cinta mereka. British accent nya yang terdengar sangat keren.. body nya yang tinggi semampai.. rambutnya yang kepirang-pirangan.. kulitnya yang kecoklat2an.. suara danny yang agak2 berat.. suara tom yang agak2 gimana gitu.. oh mcfly ohhhh..
btw, lirik lagu "smile" bagus loh..
You don't have to have money,
To make it in this world.
You don't have to be skinny baby,
If you wanna be my girl.
Oh you just gotta be happy,
But sometimes that's hard.
Just remember to smile smile smile
And that's a good enough start.
So if you ain't good looking,
Don't you let it get you down.
And if you're love life
ain't cooking baby,
There'll be more fish around
Oh you just gotta stay happy,
So put away that frown.
So just remember to smile smile smile,
And turn the world around.
So just remember to smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
C'mon show us your teeth and
what you got underneath
Cause everyones got troubles,
That's the way the story goes.
You don't need to use hubble baby
To see what's underneath your nose.
Oh cause if you're feeling happy,
That's the place to let it show.
So just remember to smile smile smile
So everybody knows
And it will make things so much better,
When you're feeling low.
Just remember to smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
C'mon show us your teeth and
what you got underneath.
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
C'mon show us your teeth and what you got underneath
Just remember to smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
C'mon show us you teeth and
what you got underneath
Smile smile smile
You gotta smile smile smile
Just remember to smile smile smile
And turn the world around Yeah

dari jaman batu sampe sekarang gw masih tetap cinta mereka. British accent nya yang terdengar sangat keren.. body nya yang tinggi semampai.. rambutnya yang kepirang-pirangan.. kulitnya yang kecoklat2an.. suara danny yang agak2 berat.. suara tom yang agak2 gimana gitu.. oh mcfly ohhhh..
btw, lirik lagu "smile" bagus loh..
You don't have to have money,
To make it in this world.
You don't have to be skinny baby,
If you wanna be my girl.
Oh you just gotta be happy,
But sometimes that's hard.
Just remember to smile smile smile
And that's a good enough start.
So if you ain't good looking,
Don't you let it get you down.
And if you're love life
ain't cooking baby,
There'll be more fish around
Oh you just gotta stay happy,
So put away that frown.
So just remember to smile smile smile,
And turn the world around.
So just remember to smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
C'mon show us your teeth and
what you got underneath
Cause everyones got troubles,
That's the way the story goes.
You don't need to use hubble baby
To see what's underneath your nose.
Oh cause if you're feeling happy,
That's the place to let it show.
So just remember to smile smile smile
So everybody knows
And it will make things so much better,
When you're feeling low.
Just remember to smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
C'mon show us your teeth and
what you got underneath.
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
C'mon show us your teeth and what you got underneath
Just remember to smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
C'mon show us you teeth and
what you got underneath
Smile smile smile
You gotta smile smile smile
Just remember to smile smile smile
And turn the world around Yeah
Thursday, October 8, 2009
BLG fever
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Oh my God. oh my God. oh my God. okaay enough.
boys like girls is coming to Jakarta in less than 4 months!! whoooot i'm so excited. i'll be in jakarta that day so i must must must watch them, no excuse. i love everything about them. their music, the bands members, all.

- Paul-
- Bryan-
i know this posting is kinda lame but yeahhh thanks for reading anyway
boys like girls is coming to Jakarta in less than 4 months!! whoooot i'm so excited. i'll be in jakarta that day so i must must must watch them, no excuse. i love everything about them. their music, the bands members, all.



i know this posting is kinda lame but yeahhh thanks for reading anyway
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
when we went to Ballarat
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i don't know why but i'm reminiscing those old days when i went to sovereign hill with Novi, Flo and her parents right now. i think it's like 3 months ago. whooo i love that place so so much! it's a 1940-50 typical or maybe less. i want to go there AGAIN some day. like literally serious. and i want to sit on the v-line train AGAIN. yeaa maybe i am ndeso or kampungan but i just love the view on the way from melbourne to ballarat. i saw many cows, grasses, horses, hills, and etc. it should be greener now since it's spring already.
these are some pics at sovereign hill:



actually we were kinda nekat cause we went there in the middle of winter season and according to forecast that day, it would be like 1 or 2 degree. gosh. and the place is outdoor. great. but whatsoever, we were ready. so off we. yihaaa. after 1 hour and 20 mins from southern cross station, we got off at ballarat station and it was hella freezing. luckily, when we arrived at sovereign hill, it was quite sunny. yeahhh that day was great. and i would love to repeat it once again :)
anybody knows other cool places in melbourne or victoria? or australia perharps? tell me peeps and i will give you a candy ;P
these are some pics at sovereign hill:



actually we were kinda nekat cause we went there in the middle of winter season and according to forecast that day, it would be like 1 or 2 degree. gosh. and the place is outdoor. great. but whatsoever, we were ready. so off we. yihaaa. after 1 hour and 20 mins from southern cross station, we got off at ballarat station and it was hella freezing. luckily, when we arrived at sovereign hill, it was quite sunny. yeahhh that day was great. and i would love to repeat it once again :)
anybody knows other cool places in melbourne or victoria? or australia perharps? tell me peeps and i will give you a candy ;P
Monday, October 5, 2009
beautiful sunday
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Peringatan: posting kali ini akan disempilkan kata-kata dari berbagai jenis bahasa. so, jangan headache ya.
kemaren bener-bener seru pol. went to suburb for almost a whole day with my landlord's family and friends (Pak Hendi, Ci Ing sama Ci Devi), my housemate a.k.a Monsu and Felice (my landlord's other anak kost from different flat).
hari sabtu, gw ada kerja shift malem sampe jem 1.30 am. edan soro! gw ga bisa pulang ke rumah soalnya udah ga ada train or tram at all. jadinya gw pikir mending nginep di rumah temen gw yang ada di city ketimbang naik taksi pulang. soalnya yang ada di bayangan gw saat itu, naik taksi sendirian malem2 kok serem ya? you know kan, taksi-taksi di indo kayak gimana supirnya. tapi, kenyataan berbicara lain. jalan sendirian di city malem-malem ternyata lebih menyeramkan! masih rame sih. tapi banyak orang yang drunk esp the bule-bule. ada yang tiba2 suka tereak sendiri dengan volume suara kayak pake 2 toa, ketawa keras2, ngomong udah ga bener, jalan udah kayak banteng nubruk sana nubruk sini. hiiiii ohseram. tapi akhirnya, gw sampe ke apartemen temen gw dengan selamat dan sehat walafiat.
dengan berbekal tidur cuma 3 jem gara2 daylight saving, besokannya gw pulang ke rumah pagi2 soalnya mo ketemuan ma Ci Ing, Ci Devi sama Felice jem 9 di flinders station. trus ya udah abis udah pada ngumpul, kita naik train ke rumah landlord gw buat pergi bareng dari sana. and the journey began..
our first stop was lillydale lake, about 30 minutes from glen waverley by car, for having lunch. we arrived there at 11.30 o'clock. this is the picture:

that is my first time I had a lunch near lake. lol. because yeahhhh you know there's no lake at jakarta. yang ada cuma kali yang isinya sampah semua. nyebut namanya aja udah males apalagi disuruh makan disitu. bener2 ga sanggup.
after we all felt very full , we went to Tasselaar Tulip Festival which located not very far from the lake, about 15 minutes. nyampe disono jam setengah 2an. begitu turun dari mobil mau ngantri beli karcis, terciumlah bau-bau yang sangat akrab dengan hidung. katanya siapa gw lupa, itu pupuk yang dipake dari tokai nya manusia but gapapa lah, cuma ciumnya dikit doang kok dibagian entrance door nya abis itu ga ada bau2 lagi. bunga tulipnya bagus-bagus puol. wah... ini foto2nya:





puas ngiterin main farm nya, kita berenti dulu buat beli poffertjes sambil duduk2. bentuknya kayak gini:

wes selese ngemil, kita lanjut ke farm belakang. kurang lebih sama sih, masih tetep tulip juga. jam 5an kita keluar dari farm nya soalnya stan-stannya juga udah pada tutup semua. di mobil, gw udah teler puol jadinya tidur ayam gitu. begitu gw buka mata, udah nyampe di Sky High Mt. Dandenong. gw ga tau sama sekali kalo mau ke tempat itu. tempat yang gw pengen pegiin dari dulu2 tapi ga pernah sempet. eh ternyata dibawa kesana kemarin. happy me! gw ga ada fotonya sih soalnya batre kamera gw udah abis, jadinya difotoin pake kamera lain. ntar deh kalo udah dapet file nya gw upload. tapi kemaren kita datengnya pas sore2 gitu sekitaran jem 6an dan langit masih terang benderang so we can't see the beautiful lights when the sky is turning dark.
tapi masih tetep oke kok. udaranya lumayan dingin sih secara itu di kaki gunung. trus gw pesen coffee di cafe nya sambil ngobrol2. enak banget cuyyyy asli. dingin2 minumnya yang anget2 trus sambil bergosip ria.
dunky well my landlord :D lovely lunch. great places. funtastic day.
kemaren bener-bener seru pol. went to suburb for almost a whole day with my landlord's family and friends (Pak Hendi, Ci Ing sama Ci Devi), my housemate a.k.a Monsu and Felice (my landlord's other anak kost from different flat).
hari sabtu, gw ada kerja shift malem sampe jem 1.30 am. edan soro! gw ga bisa pulang ke rumah soalnya udah ga ada train or tram at all. jadinya gw pikir mending nginep di rumah temen gw yang ada di city ketimbang naik taksi pulang. soalnya yang ada di bayangan gw saat itu, naik taksi sendirian malem2 kok serem ya? you know kan, taksi-taksi di indo kayak gimana supirnya. tapi, kenyataan berbicara lain. jalan sendirian di city malem-malem ternyata lebih menyeramkan! masih rame sih. tapi banyak orang yang drunk esp the bule-bule. ada yang tiba2 suka tereak sendiri dengan volume suara kayak pake 2 toa, ketawa keras2, ngomong udah ga bener, jalan udah kayak banteng nubruk sana nubruk sini. hiiiii ohseram. tapi akhirnya, gw sampe ke apartemen temen gw dengan selamat dan sehat walafiat.
dengan berbekal tidur cuma 3 jem gara2 daylight saving, besokannya gw pulang ke rumah pagi2 soalnya mo ketemuan ma Ci Ing, Ci Devi sama Felice jem 9 di flinders station. trus ya udah abis udah pada ngumpul, kita naik train ke rumah landlord gw buat pergi bareng dari sana. and the journey began..
our first stop was lillydale lake, about 30 minutes from glen waverley by car, for having lunch. we arrived there at 11.30 o'clock. this is the picture:
that is my first time I had a lunch near lake. lol. because yeahhhh you know there's no lake at jakarta. yang ada cuma kali yang isinya sampah semua. nyebut namanya aja udah males apalagi disuruh makan disitu. bener2 ga sanggup.
after we all felt very full , we went to Tasselaar Tulip Festival which located not very far from the lake, about 15 minutes. nyampe disono jam setengah 2an. begitu turun dari mobil mau ngantri beli karcis, terciumlah bau-bau yang sangat akrab dengan hidung. katanya siapa gw lupa, itu pupuk yang dipake dari tokai nya manusia but gapapa lah, cuma ciumnya dikit doang kok dibagian entrance door nya abis itu ga ada bau2 lagi. bunga tulipnya bagus-bagus puol. wah... ini foto2nya:
puas ngiterin main farm nya, kita berenti dulu buat beli poffertjes sambil duduk2. bentuknya kayak gini:
wes selese ngemil, kita lanjut ke farm belakang. kurang lebih sama sih, masih tetep tulip juga. jam 5an kita keluar dari farm nya soalnya stan-stannya juga udah pada tutup semua. di mobil, gw udah teler puol jadinya tidur ayam gitu. begitu gw buka mata, udah nyampe di Sky High Mt. Dandenong. gw ga tau sama sekali kalo mau ke tempat itu. tempat yang gw pengen pegiin dari dulu2 tapi ga pernah sempet. eh ternyata dibawa kesana kemarin. happy me! gw ga ada fotonya sih soalnya batre kamera gw udah abis, jadinya difotoin pake kamera lain. ntar deh kalo udah dapet file nya gw upload. tapi kemaren kita datengnya pas sore2 gitu sekitaran jem 6an dan langit masih terang benderang so we can't see the beautiful lights when the sky is turning dark.
tapi masih tetep oke kok. udaranya lumayan dingin sih secara itu di kaki gunung. trus gw pesen coffee di cafe nya sambil ngobrol2. enak banget cuyyyy asli. dingin2 minumnya yang anget2 trus sambil bergosip ria.
dunky well my landlord :D lovely lunch. great places. funtastic day.
Friday, October 2, 2009
bye assessment #1
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Setelah berjam-jam duduk didepan laptop dengan berbagai posisi akhirnya itu assessment berakhir juga. YES YES YESSSS. thank you buat semua yang udah bantuin :) udah ah ganti topik, stop membicarakan tentang assessment. eh eh ehh ada yang udah nonton Jennifer's Body blom? soundtracknya sih keren ada all time low, cute is what we aim for, cobra starship sama panic! at the disco segala. mantaaaaap lah.