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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

rakus vs dingin

oh tidak, apa yang terjadi dengan diriku hari ini? nafsu makan gw jadi brutal begini. sungguh mengerikan. bukan karna gw nya loh yang rakus tapi karna udaranya lagi dingin banget. kan katanya kalo lagi dingin kita butuh cadangan lemak alias harus banyak makan dan gw mau mempraktekkan itu. wehehehe salahinnya cuaca, maaf ya kamu jadi kambing hitam hari ini :p tapi emang dingin banget sih gila 6 derajat gitu lohhh plus anginnya yang bisa nyeret orang, jadi gimana ga cepet laper coba.

tadi pagi jam 8, sarapan cereal sama susu plus jeruk.
trus, jam 10 gw ke dapur lagi makan indomie. abis enak banget kan kalo dingin-dingin begini makannya indomie. cium bau bumbunya aja udah bikin melayang ke langit apalagi dimakan.
trus jam 11, gw pergi ke kantornya landlord gw di city dan bawa bekal.
jam stengah 1, gw makan bekal gw, vegetarian baked potato sama lagi-lagi jeruk.
jam 1an, gw sama housemate cabut mau jalan.
satu jam kemudian gw udah duduk dengan manisnya di hungry jacks dan beli stunner dealnya, itu loh yang ada ICE CREAM nya. ASTAGANAGA. gw sampe ga abis pikir sekarang, kok gw beli yang ada eskrimnya segala padahal lagi kedinginan begini.

hungry jacks dan indomie. suatu kombinasi yang sangat bagus, bukan? omigot, tapi ngebayangin saturated fat nya itu loh!! bikin gw merinding.

coba liat gambar di bawah ini, bikin ngiler ga sihhhhhhhhh

apalagi kentangnya dimakan sama cabenya indo yang cap jempol. beh!

duh, jadi pengen makan lagi.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

9 Teknik Untuk Berhenti Berpikir Negatif

1. Hidup di saat ini
Memikirkan masa lalu atau masa depan adalah hal yang sering membuat kita cemas. Jarang sekali kita panik karena kejadian masa sekarang. Jika Anda menemukan pikiran anda terkukung dalam apa yang telah terjadi atau apa yang belum terjadi, ingatlah bahwa hanya masa kini yang dapat kita kontrol.

2. Katakan hal positif pada diri sendiri
Katakan pada diri Anda bahwa Anda kuat, Anda mampu. Ucapkan hal tersebut terus-menerus, kapanpun. Terutama, mulailah hari dengan mengatakan hal positif tentang diri sendiri dan hari itu, tidak peduli jika hari itu Anda harus mengambil keputusan sulit ataupun Anda tidak mempercayai apa yang telah Anda katakan pada diri sendiri.

3. Percaya pada kekuatan pikiran positif
Jika Anda berpikir positif, hal-hal positif akan datang dan kesulitan-kesulitan akan terasa lebih ringan. Sebaliknya, jika Anda berpikiran negatif, hal-hal negatif akan menimpa Anda. Hal ini adalah hukum universal, seperti layaknya hukum gravitasi atau pertukaran energi. Tidak akan mudah untuk mengubah pola pikir Anda, namun usahanya sebanding dengan hasil yang bisa Anda petik.

4. Jangan berdiam diri
Telusuri apa yang membuat Anda berpikiran negatif, perbaiki, dan kembali maju. Jika hal tersebut tidak bisa diperbaiki lagi, berhenti mengeluh dan menyesal karena hal itu hanya akan menghabiskan waktu dan energi Anda, juga membuat Anda merasa tambah buruk. Terimalah apa yang telah terjadi, petik hikmah/pelajaran dari hal tersebut, dan kembali maju.

5. Fokus pada hal-hal positif
Ketika kita sedang sedang berpikiran negatif, seringkali kita lupa akan apa yang kita miliki dan lebih berfokus pada apa yang tidak kita miliki. Buatlah sebuah jurnal rasa syukur. Tidak masalah waktunya, tiap hari tulislah lima enam hal positif yang terjadi pada hari tersebut. Hal positif itu bisa berupa hal-hal besar ataupun sekadar hal-hal kecil seperti 'hari ini cerah' atau 'makan sore hari ini menakjubkan'. Selama Anda tetap konsisten melakukan kegiatan ini, hal ini mampu mengubah pemikiran negatif Anda menjadi suatu pemikiran positif. Dan ketika Anda mulai merasa berpikiran negatif, baca kembali jurnal tersebut.

6. Bergeraklah
Berolahraga melepaskan endorphin yang mampu membuat perasaaan Anda menjadi lebih baik. Apakah itu sekadar berjalan mengelelingi blok ataupun berlari sepuluh kilometer, aktifitas fisik akan membuat diri kita merasa lebih baik. Ketika Anda merasa down, aktifitas olahraga lima belas menit dapat membuat Anda merasa lebih baik.

7. Hadapi rasa takutmu
Perasaan negatif muncul dari rasa takut, makin takut Anda akan hidup, makin banyak pikiran negatif dalam diri Anda. Jika Anda takut akan sesuatu, lakukan sesuatu itu. Rasa takut adalah bagian dari hidup namun kita memiliki pilihan untuk tidak membiarkan rasa takut menghentikan kita.

8. Coba hal-hal baru
Mencoba hal-hal baru juga dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri. Dengan mengatakan ya pada kehidupan Anda membuka lebih banyak kesempatan untuk bertumbuh. Jauhi pikiran 'ya, tapi...'. Pengalaman baru, kecil atau besar, membuat hidup terasa lebih menyenangkan dan berguna.

9. Ubah cara pandang
Ketika sesuatu tidak berjalan dengan baik, cari cara untuk melihat hal tersebut dari sudut pandang yang lebih positif. Dalam setiap tantangan terdapat keuntungan, dalam setiap keuntungan terdapat tantangan.



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

today, i'm crashing down.
few weeks ago i felt like i was the happiest person in the world.
now i feel like the most useless person in this universe..
who always get lost and cannot do anything.
i feel stupid.
i hate this feeling
i really hate this situation.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hellen Keller

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Uncle Kracker - Smile

You´re better then the best
I´m lucky just to linger in your life
Cooler then the flip side of my pillow that´s right
Completely unaware
Nothing can compare to where you send me
Lets me know that it´s ok yeah it´s ok
And the moments when my good times start to fade

You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed
Sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh you make me smile

Even when you´re gone
Somehow you come along
Just like a flower poking through the sidewalk crack and just like that
You steal away the rain and just like that

You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of
bed sing like bird
Dizzy in my head spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh you make me smile

Don´t know how I lived without you
Cuz everytime that I get around you
I see the best of me inside your eyes
You make me smile
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild

You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed
sing like bird
Dizzy in my head
spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh you make me smile
Ohh you make me smile
Ohh you make me smile


a nice song!

here's the link:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

what a random post

Holiday is coming real soon! oh yeah. but actually i am not really excited for that i don't know why. sometimes i just feel like going to school is better than having holiday for a month. at least i am not alone at school. i can laugh with my friends. we can hang out and have lunch together. while if i am at home, sometimes i feel lonely because not all times all of my housemates are at home as well.

the thing is, for the next six months starting from mid july, i am going to have work placement for my course and it is off-campus activity which means no classes at school at all! i definitely am going to miss my crazy classmates :(

i don't really have planning where to go during this holiday. going back home to indo is definitely a no. i was planning to go to either mt. buller or falls creek with my friends but i don't think it's going to be a reality because some of us are having a new job right now. i guess it is just our dream and hopefully will comes true someday. this year. i hope. finger crossed.

ah i don't want to remember this. the fact that i still need to do my workplace diversity online assignment and it is driving me crazy. like seriously, the subject is totally useless and i don't know where on earth the teacher is. he just contacted me once and after that, he disappeared. i've sent my work but never being replied by him. dang it! what is he doing ha? i don't have any bloody ideas at all. how irresponsible of him. grrrrr *evil grind*

but yeah, i must get it done as soon as possible and hand it in. i just want to take a blender out of my kitchen and put my book there so it breaks in little part after i have finished all the assessment. what a boring subject =.=

dear my lovely workplace diversity book, please get lost from my sight right now. i just get bored with you because you totally are not interesting at all. thank you.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Britney Spears - Womanizer

Superstar, where you from? How's it going?
I know you got a clue what you?re doing
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are, what you are, baby

Look at you gettin' more than just a re-up
Baby, you got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin' like a good one but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are, baby

Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you?re a womanizer baby
You, you-you are, you, you-you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are
Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are

You got me goin'
You're oh so charmin'
But I can't do it
You womanizer

Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are
Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are

You say I'm crazy
I got your crazy
You're nothing but a

Daddy-O, you got the swagger of a champion
Too bad for you, you just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard, it could be easy
Who you are, that's just who you are, baby

Lollipop, must mistake me you're the sucker
To think that I would be a victim not another
Say it, play it how you want it
But no way I'm never gonna fall for you, never you, baby

Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you?re a womanizer baby
You, you-you are, you, you-you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are
Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are

You got me goin'
You're oh so charmin'
But I can't do it
You womanizer

Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are
Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are

You say I'm crazy
I got your crazy
You're nothing but a

Maybe if we both lived in a different world, yeah
(Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer, womanizer)
It would be all good and maybe I could be your girl
But I can't, 'cause we don't, you!

Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you?re a womanizer baby
You, you-you are, you, you-you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are
Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are

You got me goin'
You're oh so charmin'
But I can't do it
You womanizer

Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are
Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are

You say I'm crazy
I got your crazy
You're nothing but a

Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are
Boy don't try to front
I-I know just-just what you are are-are

Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you?re a womanizer baby


this song is dedicated to all womanizers out there. where's your heart dude? don't ever play with girls' heart because no one wants to be hurt.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

the first time ever

*ga nyantai tulisannya pake capslock semua :D*

yesterday was so hilarious at work. really. we had cocktail party last night from 7pm til midnight and that was absolutely unbelievable. at least for me i don't know about the others. from 11 pm onwards, there were a lot of intoxicated people on the floor and they started to scare me with their weird behavior.

and the winner of the weirdest act last night goes to...

should i say a couple? i don't know. so, there were 2 GUYS. yes, two MEN. please note the capitalization of the word guys and men. i really mean it.

guess what they were doing!

i accidentally saw they were kissing so romantically in the middle of the dance floor. they must have lost their mind when they did that. i am pretty sure they were drunk.

and i was like WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON? the first time ever i saw guys are kissing each other in my entire life. well, how lucky i am to be able to see that oh-so-romantic-scenery.

but overall, last night was epic. EPIC. had a pretty good time :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


kemarin gw ketemu manager baru di tempat kerja gw. dan terjadilah percakapan paling penting abad ini.

okay, jadi begini ceritanya..

let's say
A: gw
B: dia

B: where do you come from?
A: let's have a guess! *cengengesan*
B: hmmm you are definitely not chinese. *pause* right?
A: ..... *mulai bingung* noooooo! i come from somewhere in asia
B: no no, you don't look chinese
A: *tambah bingung* guess which country
B: new zealand?
B: no?? *ga percaya kalo emang bukan* so where do you come from? i thought you were from new zealand or something.
A: i come from indonesia
A: yesssss i come from indonesia, not new zealand.

kesimpulan: helooooo rambut gw item, mata sipit, warna bola mata gelap, mana ada mirip-miripnya coba sama bule? kalo iya, wah makasih!! sama maorinya pun juga kagak sedikitpun. sampe sekarang gw masih pengen ketawa. HAHAHAHAHAHA so funnehhh!

but yesterday was so greeeeat. the BEST NIGHT EVER at work so far :)